Hello world!

Welcome to There Will Be Hiccups!

My name is Jayme, and I am your friend behind this amazing space. I’m a mom to the most AMAZING son. Biased I know, but he really is AMAZING!

I’m a cancer. If you know astrology or have ever met a cancer, I probably don’t need to say anything more, but just for entertainment, my google search provided the following insight:

Cancer Traits. Known for being intuitive, sentimental, sympathetic, sensitive and quite complicated personality, the people born under the Zodiac Sign Cancer are conservative and home-loving people, but deep inside. Cancer zodiac sign natives are mostly the family types. The Crabs love to be in familiar surroundings and nurture their relationships.

I live happily with my son, my 4 cats and my amazing sexy husband Chris Young (Swooning over here). Oh, wait that is just a fantasy. LOL. Back to reality, I’m a city girl with a country heart. At a gathering, you more than likely find me outside playing freeze tag, or riding scooters with the children, over having conversations with the adults.

I’m sure you’re wondering how my journey to motherhood began, and maybe not, LOL but hey I love my story. If memory is clear the first happened in 2011 and involved 2 Macho sized Del Taco Fries, a little Sunday night Kardashian binge, and an unforgettable Facebook search for an old love of mine. Don’t worry you’ll be able to put that story together the more time you spend with me.

So much has changed for me in the last 10.5 years that I am not even the same person anymore, and I thank all that change to the mindset work I have grown to love, and this is why There Will Be Hiccups was born.

So, how did a shy, quiet super private girl with a love/hate relationship with technology end up with a blog that is fueling her passions? Well that’s a long story. But in short, I can thank an AMAZING friend who’s seen my passion for bloggers for as long as I can remember, and she told me that I had a story to tell and a world to share it with. I sat on this idea for well over 12 years now. I have envisioned all that There Will Be Hiccups is and all that it will become, and I am Finally ready to share with the world.

What will this blog be about? Glad you asked! I tried to narrow that down myself, but ultimately it came down to me wanting to share my journey of single, but not solo motherhood, the journey of health, financial security, and mindset growth. This blog is also about empowering women to be strong while being alone. The importance of self-discovery, and inspiring women to go with their gut, to challenge society and its rules during some of the most vulnerable years of your life.

My life doesn’t come without struggle, and that’s ok. Part of life is finding people or places along the way that provide guidance to all our unique situations. My platform can help you with that in any season of life. There Will Be Hiccups will be your safe place to reach out, ask for help and find resources to help you though the tough times. I truly do hope that you take advantage of the many ways you can connect with me, so that I to can connect with you and we can be a part of each other’s stories.

I can’t wait to meet you.

Love Always,


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